The H&H Greatest Ranger Ever 2020 – Christmas 2020

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21 years ago, the Club initiated a poll across the, then, 127 years of the Club’s history – and importantly without the wide array of the internet.  John Greig was the winner.

So for Christmas 2020, here at H&H, Hoggy (as chief historian) wants to give it a go again according to you guys……less than 2 years shy of our 150 year anniversary.

In Martyn Ramsay tried and tested fashion, we are looking at the H&H voted top 50 Rangers players of all time.  And ……if it works, the top 5 managers of all time.

So what does Hoggy need you to do?  It’s really really simple.  Email Hoggy [email protected] with results and let him know your Patron name.

Players – Top Ten (in order 1-10)

Give him your top 10 players in order – player 1 gets 10 points and player 10 gets 1 point….. and 2 to 9 places and points in between.

Now this will be hard.  And Hoggy would welcome your reasoning if you want to talk about it – as context is everything.  And Hoggy wants to actively reach out and talk about it.

We will run voting to September 11 2020; then Hoggy gets to count the results and we’ll produce some good shows for Christmas.  148 years into our amazing story – we refresh the greatest Rangers of all time, and bet in ten years time it’ll be different again.

Managers – Top Five (in order 1-5)

Do the same – top five managers.  1st place gets 5 points, 5th place gets 1 point.  And give Hoggy your reasoning.

If in doubt, please get in touch with Hoggy.  Email at [email protected].



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